+ Psychometric Assessments
Psychometric assessments are available to individuals and groups in a number of keys areas of psychological functioning. These areas include general ability and intelligence scales for adults, adolescents and children. These kinds of assessments can be useful for vocational and educational reasons and can assist in decision-making and planning. They can also assist in relation to team building and leadership direction. Personality assessments are also available to help particularly in respect to group functioning and leadership. Furthermore testing can identify leadership styles and capabilities in the workplace setting. Emotional intelligence measures a core set of social and emotional abilities. An assessment identifies strengths but also helps determine areas of potential improvement so that communication can be enhanced and consequently social and work interactions
can be improved.
+ Memory Training
Memory is a critical aspect of our everyday functioning. However many people feel let down by their memory and seek to improve their memory capability. Memory training or enhancement is available for children, adolescents, adults and for seniors in the later part of their lives. The working memory in particular helps us store and retrieve information. We use that information in our communications, decision-making and planning for activities and actions. Memory training helps us to be more confident and effective in meeting our challenges.